Saturday, July 23, 2011

Barn Party!

A friend of mine, Ephriam, lives about 45 minutes away and throws "Barn Parties" periodically which are always a ton of fun. In keeping with the theme, I decided to wear my awesome a-line "Chicken Skirt", as I have fondly dubbed it. Since it features an actual barn on the skirt, there was no question in my mind of its appropriateness.

I also wore my Doc-Martin-inspired 3" boots for added awesomeness. I picked up these boots second-hand for $4 a few months ago, and while I don't wear them that often (yet), it's nice to know that if ever I'm invited to an impromptu 90's decade party, I'm prepared.

Did I mention that the chicken has a live-action, flappable wing?! (Emphasis added.)

 Vintage, ya'll. Dechoes, >$10

Anyway, Ephriam lives on an orange grove in a fairly rural area, and the "barn" which earns the parties their names is more of a... how do you say.... shanty. Lean-to? Let's go with lean-to. Regardless, he strings it up with globe lights and the ambient glow looks like something out of a movie.

We played a drinking game called "Ring of Fire" which was a good time despite the fact that I don't really drink, so I was "imbibing" (yeah, they imposed the "3-Ds" rule) IBC Cream Soda instead of the usual beverages. I can hear Liberty Medical knocking on my door with my "diabeat-is" testing supplies already after all the sugar I drank yesterday. Woops! Sorry, Body!

Check out the fall off with this wide-angle lens attachement! Crazy!
(Photos taken on Ephriam's Canon Rebel)

Because my boyfriend, Will, had to work at 6am the next morning, we left around midnight, just as a new crowd seemed to be moving in. My friends and I had the OH so brilliant plan to stop by Taco Bell on the way home, which wound up taking 30-45 minutes (in the drive thru!) for reasons that I couldn't tell you. My car had the gas light on and so to conserve fuel I turned it off and the guys that were with me pushed the car when we needed to move forward, which was about every 5 minutes or so... I eventually got home.

That's that! 
